My hair after DIY dye red. Failed as the colour is not even, gonna re-dye this weekend!! 
And the fucking hair cut I got for fucking $50. Really regret cutting layer, now have to bun up cos my hair is toooooo short and ugly. 

Hey all,

UT2's over. FYP's over.
Smelled freedom accompanied with some king robert whisky for that night. My alcohol tolerance is still cui. Couldn't tank much but didn't KO that night. 

UT3 is the last leap, ending school on feb 14
Feeling sad all inside that alex pham structural bio faci is leaving us after week 15. Off to australlia to conti study for his vet course.
This sem, all my faci were great and awesome. 
Really making the last few months in RP a brilliant one. 
Thanks for facilitating me. Thanks for being such a great friend. 
I hope we stay in contact via our little whatsapp group, and via twitter and via facebook (:

Gonna fucking miss my clique, one of the best in RP so far. 
Really hope that we will not disperse and not stay in contact. 

I dontwanna grow up. Yet.

Hey dears, 

Got confidence to get at least a B+ or A for cell cycle oncology UT2 again (: 
But for genomics UT2, really very disappointed in myself. Counted and I lost like 17 marks out of 20. First time gonna get a grade lower than C for UT(s). Ohmygod can cryyyyyyyyy. 

The upcoming week will be filled with 2 UT(s), and FYP.
After that gonna pamper myself!! 
Wnna paint my nails gold, like finalllyyyyyy 
And also dye my hair RED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Loreal Paris Excellence fashion (: 

Okay thats all still studying SB and proteo ): 
Hope can be on time!!!

To live for others, or for yourself? 

Since young, I have this mini goal I want to achieve in my life.
To make people healthy and happy, no matter how much I have to suffer, as long as it benefits the others. 
I don't mind to sacrifice my life, committing my life just to make others happy. 

Now, all these are gone, or somehow, somewhere. 
I no longer live for others. I don't live for myself either. Or rather, I still do live for others, but in a different point of view.
For my family and friends, for those who care for me. To not let them be sad and worry over me. To let them have this feeling that I am okay. 

In one way or another, I hide stuffs and emotions from them.
This displays a lack of trust. A lack of relationship bonds. Because I chose to open myself up to only certain friends but not all friends. Though friends should share joy and woe. 
Although yes because I dontwant them to worry, dontwant to spread the sadness, This led me to feel that they dont care on some occasions. But who's the one causing all these misery in the first place? Who's the contradicting one? Why expect something when you want to isolate yourself and yet want concern out of a sudden?

Sometimes I get so confused with myself. Little voices in my head telling and reflecting on actions I did. The consequences. The contradiction I had within myself. How bad I am in terms of being an individual. 

I should really find my purpose in life, again.
I'm like following the crowd blindly. is a good website anyway, answering most of the questions which I will come up with, but have no answers to. 

OMG SO INSPIRED by hayley woo's hair colour!!

SO PRETTY!!!!!!!!! 

I am open for discussion, but NOT when told i am wrong in the face without any valid explanation.
What makes you think you are right? So what if your faci confirmed with you the answers? likewise my faci did too, so who's the correct one?

Requesting a huge pile of documents to be send to you LATE AT NIGHT (~130am) when I am in bed already and early morning  i send to you, still kena your attitude.
Fucking spoil my morning okay.
Send already dont know how to even say thank you. Still request more documents for you to COMPARE with my work.

So what if you got a good grade for cell ut? I also GOT A. Hah. 

Walao what I owe you sia.
KNN PCB so fucking angry with you.
If you need the answers, fine. But if compare and telling me I am WRONG why should I even send you in the first place.
If your intention is to let me learn from 'mistakes', sorry I dont get that intention from you at all. especially with your nice 'k' replies. What the shit.
Sorry jsie koh herself is an egoist as well okay. Im a fucking LEO. 

So fucking angry. 
Not the first time.
Why do i even allow you to use me. LOL. 
It doesnt pay to be kind. 

Back to school on 3/1/13, putting up a strong front of happiness and trying not to spoil anybody's mood. 
It let me thinking, prolly I should live happily. again. 
Mum do not want me to spend my remaining lifetime being sad anyway. I came upon inspirational quotes on the net. They are really helpful. I really felt soooooo much better. 

Today, was grandma funeral ceremony. 
Witnessing ahma's coffin being loaded onto the truck and burned, with nothing we can do but be in tears with the helpless feelings.
It hurts and sucks, so bad. 
Again, I want to confine myself up in my world again. At least for these few days. :'((((
Rest in peace ahma :(((( 
She was 91 years old, super skinny when she passed on :(, doc say is because there was accumulation of water/fluid in her lungs..

Beebee loves you always <3